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Scientific Journal "Fires and Emergencies: Prevention, Elimination"

Scientific journal “Fire and Emergencies: Prevention, Elimination” — the leading international publication in the field of fire safety, emergency situations, fire and technical education. Short title of the journal – “Fire and Emergencies”

The Journal founder is State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia.

The Journal is registered in the Federal Agency for Oversight of Mass Media, Telecommunications and Protection of Cultural Heritage, registration certificate no. ПИ № ФС 77-31082 dated February 07 , 2008.
Subscription index according to Ural-Press catalogue and integrated catalogue “Pressa Rossii” is 37142.

The publication is included by the International Center of Periodicals (ISSN International Centre, Paris, France) in the international register of periodical mass media with the numerical code of international identification: ISSN 2071-9116, ISSN (online) 2782-6317.

Published 4 times a year.

The journal is addressed to managers and specialists in the field of fire safety and emergencies, research institutions’ employees, teachers and students of fire-engineering specialties, fire-rescue equipment manufacturers of and ecologists.

The journal is included in the List of the Peer-reviewed Scientific Higher Attestation Commission recommended for publication of thesis researches outcomes for PhD and DSc. 

The authors are responsible for the content of their works and publication in the press. The copying to be authorized by the editorial staff. The citation requires reference.

B. Galushkin street, 4, 129366, Moscow, Russia
Phones: (495) 617-27-27, extension 29-83, 29-84.