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Culture and Safety an interdisciplinary journal

The scientific journal "Culture and Security" is an interdisciplinary publication in the field of philosophy, history, political science, culturology and pedagogy. The priority research area of the journal is the problems affecting the humanitarian aspects of human and social security in the modern post-industrial world.

 The founder and the publisher is State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia.

The Journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, registration certificate no. ПИ № ФС 77-80388.
Subscription index according to Ural-Press catalogue is 013902.

The publication is included by the International Center of Periodicals (ISSN International Centre, Paris, France) in the international register of periodical mass media with the numerical code of international identification: ISSN 2712-8997, ISSN (online) 2782-6309.

References are given in Russian Science Citation Index.

 The journal was founded in 2020. The first issue was published in 2021. 4 issues per year.

The journal is addressed to heads of state and municipal government bodies, employees of research organizations, teachers and students of departmental universities specializing in various fi elds of national security, humanitarian analysts, political experts.
The authors are responsible for the content of their works and publication in the press. 
The copying to be authorized by the editorial staff. The citation requires reference.

Journal’s editorial office: Yu. Tikhomirova, O. Eltemerova, E. Pushkina.

Adress: B. Galushkin street, 4, 129366, Moscow, Russia
Phones: +7 (495) 617-27-27, extension 29-83.