ru en de zh fr ar

Subject area

The subject of articles in the journal corresponds to the following scientific specialties within the groups of scientific specialties, for which the edition is included in the VAK List (according to the nomenclature, approved by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, issued on February 24, 2021, No. 118, taking into account the changes made by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 445 dated 05.11.2022 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 16, 2022, registration No. 68873)):

2.1. Construction and Architecture:
– 2.1.15. Safety of Construction Facilities (Engineering Sciences)

2.3. Information Technologies and Telecommunications:
– 2.3.3. Automation and Managing Technological Processes and Productions (Engineering Sciences)
– 2.3.4. Management in Organizational Systems

2.10. Technosphere Safety:
– 2.10.1. Fire Safety
– 2.10.2. Environmental safety
– 2.10.3. Labor Safety

The journal presents the main aspects of fire safety and emergency situations:

  • Safety of human life and health. Safety of firefighters and rescuers. Training of the population in safety rules.

  • Object protection. Fire safety by industry: oil and gas, energy, woodworking, transport, etc.

  • Construction and operation of buildings. Fire protection, materials.

  • Environmental safety. Landscape fires. Natural phenomena.

  • Fire and rescue equipment. Fire extinguishing equipment, equipment. Fire elimination, tactics.

  • Information technology, automation.

  • Civil protection.

  • Management, work with personnel. Statistics.

  • Right. Fire supervision.

  • Theoretical foundations of security.

  • The history of firefighting and fire-technical education.

The selected directions allow us to determine the thematic originality of articles, which, as a rule, combine several thematic areas.